nice to meet you!

I'm a freelance 2D and stop-motion animator, currently i'm an editor at a short-film and webvideo-company. Storytelling, storyboarding, there is all sorts of things i can do! 


I graduated with the children's film "The pilot and the wing nut". I love making and watching stop-motion animation. I always loved little things, miniature worlds, small imaginary worlds within the real world. Stop-motion is the perfect medium for creating these mini-worlds of imagination. For my shortfilm I had a wonderful time in the basement at the art-academy: animating for days and being fully focused to create something good. When i'm not in the animation-basement i love being outside in the sunlight. You can see and read all about the graduation-short under the heading 'afstuderen'. 

Other things i like: mowing the grass, make latte-art, pet my four chickens.

Teaser Afstudeerfilm